Stazione marittima Genova


Privacy policy according to Article 13 Decree law 196/03

The information concerning you, whose contents is necessary to establish a business relationship; it is collected exclusively to execute the contract and for answering inquires done expressly by you in advance.

Therefore, your personal information can exclusively be communicated to people forming part of our entrepreneurial work process to comply only with specific legal obligations, or with contractual or financial purposes.

Personal data are treated in automated manner and only for the time strictly necessary, up to achieving the objectives which they were collected for, including maintaining of the successive relationships deriving from their petition. Specific security measures are followed to prevent information loss, illicit or not right uses and non authorized accesses to the same.
The people, who the personal data are referred to (‘’ the interested people’’) collected to achieve the objectives and according to the described form, have the right at any time, to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not, of this same information and to know the contents and origin, to verify its exactness or ask for its integration or updating or correction according to Article 7 of the Privacy Code. The responsible for the treatment is: Rombo Giorgio, via Pagano Doria 7, 16126 Genova Italia,

Besides, the interested person has the right to ask the cancellation, transformation anonymously, and to oppose in any case, by legitimate reasons, their treatment